The Only Doctor Who Themed Restaurant on the East Coast
From the Press

Jenna Coleman
"This is brilliant," she said, adding she would order the "fish" fingers and custard.

Amy Ratcliffe for The Nerdist
“I’m head over heels for this concept. I can’t resist a good theme and would certainly consider the hour and a half trek up to Beacon from New York City because Doctor Who!”

Peter Capaldi
"Fantastic," he said. "That's brilliant. Fabulous. That's great. That's brilliant. Wow. That's amazing. That's great to know about. Good stuff."

Perez Hilton
"Located in Beacon, NY The Pandorica restaurant is every Whovian's dream come true! Seriously! From the art on the walls to the food on the menu, everything has the mark of the Doctor on it."

BBCAmerica.com Anglophenia
"If you’re in or near to the city of Beacon, NY, then what better way to celebrate the dawn of a new series than by going out for a Doctor Who-themed meal? The Pandorica restaurant, recently discovered by a user on Reddit, allows you to do just that. Run by an ex-pat Londoner, its menu is divided into "Spoilers" and "Sweeties," and yes, they do serve "fish fingers" and custard."

Grub Street NYMag.com
"...absolutely delighted to hear that the show's fandom has now taken root in the Dutchess County town of Beacon in the form of a full-on Doctor Who restaurant."